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14 LIST OF BOOKS The Hill Ports, Stone Circles, and other Structural Re- mains of Ancient Scotland. By C. Maclaoan, Lady Associate of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. With Plans and Illustrations. Folio, 31s. 6d. " We need not enlarge on the few inconsequential speculations which rigid archseologists may find in the present volume. We desire rather to commend it to their careful study, fully assured that not only they, but also the general reader, will be edified by its perusal." — Scotsman. The Lig-ht of the World. By David M'Lap.ex, Jlinister of Humbie. Crown Svo, 6s. The Book of Psalms in Metre. According to the version approved of by the Church of Scotland. Revised by Rev. David JI'Laren'. Crown Svo, 7s. 6d. Australia and the Empire. By A. Patchett Martin. Crown Svo. [In the Press. Humorous Masterpieces from American Literature, from ISIO to ISSC. Edited by Edward T. Mason. Selections are made from the Works of: Alcott, Alden, Aldrich, Baldwin, Beecher, Bellamy, Brooke,' BuNNER, Butler, Cable, Cavazza, Clemens, Cone, Cozzens, Crane, Curtis, Dodge, Dunning, Hale, Hartk, Harris, Hawthorne, Holmes, Howe, Howells, Irving, Johnson, Lanigan, Leland, Lowell, Ludlow, M'Dowell, Matthews, Ogdek, Phelps, Quincev, Roche, Saxe, Seba, Smith, Stokford, Stockton, Stowe, Thorpe, Throwbridge, Warner, Etc. 3 vols, square 16mo, 3s. 6d. each vol. In Partnership. Studies in Story-Telling-. By Braxder Matthews and H. C. Bunner. Is. m paper, and 2s. in cloth. Antwerp Delivered in MDLXXVII. : A Passage from the History of the Netherlands, illustrated with Facsimiles of a rare series of Designs by Martin de Vos, and of Prints by Hogenberg, the Wiericxes, etc. By Sir William Stirling-Maxwell, Bart., K.T. and M. P. In 1vol. Folio, 5 guineas. " A splendid folio in richly ornamented binding, protected by an almost equally ornamental slip-cover. . . . Remarkable illustrations of the manner in which the artists of the time 'pursued their labours in a country ravaged bj' war, and in cities ever menaced by siege and sack.'" — Scotsman. Studies in the Topography of Galloway, being- a List of nearly 4000 Nanifs of Places, with Remarks on their Origin and Meaning. By Sir Herbert Maxwell, Bart., M.P. 1 vol. demy Svo, 14s. The History of Old Dundee, narrated out of the Town Council Register, with Additions from Contemiiorary Annals. By Alexander Maxwell, F.S.A. Scot. 4to. Cloth, 21s. ; Roxburghe, 24s. Researches and Excavations at Carnac (Morbihan), The BnsseiiiH,, and Mont St. Michel. By James Miln. Royal Svd, with Maps, Plans, anil numerous Hlustrations in Wood-Engraving and Chromolitliography. Excavations at Oarnac (Brittany), a Record of Archaeo- logical Researches in the Alignments of Kermario. By James Miln. Royal Svo, with Maps, Plans, and numerous Illustrations in Wood-Engraving. 15s. The Past in the Present— "What is Civilisation? Being the Rhind Lectures in Archseology, delivered in 1876 and 187S. By Sir Arthur Mitchell, K.C.B., M.D., LL.D. In 1 vol. demy Svo, with 148 Wood- cuts, lis. " Whatever differences of opinion, however, may be held on minor points, there can be no question that Dr. Mitchell's work is one of the ablest and most original pieces of archaeological literature which has appeared of late years."— Sf. James's Gazette. In "War Time. A Novel. By S. Weir Mitchell, M.D. Crown Svo, 63. Roland Blake. A Novel. By S. Weir Mitchell, M.D. Crown Svo, 6s. Our Scotch Banks : Their Position and their Policy. By Wm. Mitchell, S.S.C. Third Edition. Svo, 5s.