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PUBLISHED BY DAVID DOUGLAS. 15 On Horse-Breaking'. By Robert Moretox. Second Edition. Fcap. Svo, 1.--. Ecclesiological Notes on some of the Islands of Scot- land, with otliei- Pai>ers relating to Ecclesiological Remains on the Scottish Main- land and Islands. Bv Thomas S. Muir, Author of "Characteristics of Chtuch Architectuie," etc. i)emy Svo, with numerous Illustrations, 21s. The Birds of Ber-wickshire. By Geo. Mlirhead. 2 vols, demy Svo, Illustrated. To Subscribers only. [In the Press. Ancient Scottish Lake-Dwellings or Crannogs, with a Supplementary Chapter on Remains of Lake- Dwellings in Lngland. By Uobeht MuNRO, M.D., F.S.A. Scot. 1 vol. demy Svo, profusely illustrated, 21s. " A .standard authority on the subject of which it treats."— Times. "... Our readers may be assured that they will find very much to interest and instruct them in the perusal of the iox)^."—Athe'n.ceum. "The Lanox of Auld:" An Epistolary Review of "The Lennox, by William Eraser." By Mark Napier. With Woodruts and Plates. 4to, 15s. Tenants' Gain not Landlords' Loss, and some other Economic Aspects of the Land Question. By Joseph Shield Nkhoi-SON, M.A., Prt.fessor of Political Economy iu the University of Edinburgh. Crown Svo. 5s. Camps in the Caribbees : Adventures of a Naturalist in the Lesser . tilles. By Frederick Ueer. Illustrations, demy Svo, 12s. " Well-written and well-illustrated narrative of camping out among the Carib- bees." — Westminster Review. " Varied were his experiences, hairbreadth his escapes, and wonderful his glean- ings in the way of securing rare birds."— T/ie Literary World. Cookery for the Sick and a Guide for the Sick-Boom. By C. H. Oc;ci, an Edinburgh Nurse. Fcap. Is. The Lord Advocates of Scotland from the close of the Fifteenth Century to the passing of the Heform Bill By G. W. T. Omond, Advocate. 2 vols, demy Svo, 2Ss. The Arniston Memoirs— Three Centuries of a Scottish House, 1571-1838. Edited from Family Papers by Geo. W. T. OMo>iD, Advocate. 1 vol. Svo, 21s., with Etchings, Lithographs, and Woodcuts. An Irish Garland. By Mrs. S. M. B. Piatt. Crown Svo, Ss. 6d. The Children Out of Doors. A Book of Verses. By Two in One House. Crown Svo, 3s. (5d. Phoebe, By the Author of "Rutledge." Reprinted from the Fifth Thousand of the American Edition. Crown Svo, 6s. " ' Phcebe' is a vfoman's novel." — Saturday lievieu: Popular Genealogists; Or, The Art of Pedigree-making. Crown Svo, 4s. The Gamekeeper's Manual : being Epitome of the Game Laws for the use of Gamekeepers and others interested in the Preservation of Game. By Alexander Porter, Deputy Chief Constable of Roxburghshire. Fcap. Svo, Is. Scotland under her Early Kings. A History of the Kingdom to tlie close of the 13th century. By E. William Robertson. In 2 vols. Svo, cloth, 30s. Historical Essays, In connection with the Land and the Church, etc. By E. William Robertson, Author of " Scotland under her Early Kings." Svo, ICs. 6d.