Page:Awful phenomena of nature -- earthquakes.pdf/21

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this tremendous phenomenon. The evening was quite calm; and a friend of mine, who was roused from bed by the shock, looked at his barometer, which, however, was not affected. There was no percptible influence on the sea. The shock was felt at Fraserburgh."

"Perth, August 15th.

"On Tuesday night, about a quarter before eleven o'clock, two smart shocks of an earthquake, the second of which succeeded the first at the interval of half a minute, were felt in this city and over the greater part of the neighbourhood, particularly in the low grounds. The effects of this shock were percptible for several seconds, and in some places were so violent, as to shake the windows, and cause a rattling noise among the slates. Persons in bed felt a (illegible text)nsible agitation, or rather concussion, in an upward direction; and if the bed happened to be in contact with the wall, a lateral shock was also felt. In some houses the chairs and tables were moved backwards and forewards, and even the bells set a-ringing. Birds in cages were thrown down from the sticks on which they perched, and exhibited evident signs of fear. A hollow rumbling noise was heard by different individuals, which seemed to die away in the west. The air at the time was clear and serene. Similar effects were perceived, about the same time, at Dunkeld, in the Carse of Gowrie, and Strathearn."