Page:Backblock Ballads and Later Verses (C.J. Dennis, 1918).djvu/74

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Now, Ma-til-der! Ain't cher dressed yet? I declare, the girl ain't up!
Last as ushul. Move yerself , you sleepy-'ead!
Are you goin' to lie there lazin',
Wile I—Nell, put down that basin;
Go an' see if Bill has got the poddies fed;
Tell 'im not to move that clucky—ho, yer up, me lady, eh?
That's wot comes from gallivantin' late ut night.
Why, the sun is nearly—see now,
Don't chu dare talk back at me now!
Set the table, Nell! Where's Nell? Put out that light!
Now then, 'urry, goodness, 'urry! Mary, tell the men to come.
Oh there, drat the girl ! Ma-til-der! where's the jam?
You fergot it? Well, uv all ther . . . .
Mary! 'Ear me tell you call ther . . . .
Lord! there's Baldy tangled in the barb'-wire—SAM!
Now, then, take 'er steady, clumsy, or she'll cut herself—leave off!