Page:Backblock Ballads and Later Verses (C.J. Dennis, 1918).djvu/75

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Do you want the cow to—There! I never did!
Well, you mighter took 'er steady.
Sit up, Dad, yer late already.
Did ju put the tea in, Mary? Where's the lid?

Oh, do 'urry! Where's them buckets? Nell, 'as Bill brought in the cows?
Where's that boy? Ain't finished eatin' yet, uv course;
Eat all day if 'e wus let to.
Mary, where'd yer father get to?
Gone! Wot! Call 'im back! Dad! Wot about that 'orse?
No, indeed, it ain't my business ; you kin see the man yerself.
No, I won't! I'm sure I've quite enough to do.
If 'e calls ter-day about it,
'E kin either go without it,
Or elst walk acrost the paddick out to you.
Are the cows in, B-i-ll? Oh, there they are. Well, nearly time they—Nell,
Feed the calves, an' pack the—Yes, indeed, ju will!
Get the sepy-rater ready.
Woa, there, Baldy—steady, steady.
Bail up. Stop-er! Hi, Matilder! Mary! BILL!
Well, uv all th' . . . . Now you've done it.
Wait till Dad comes 'ome to-night;