Page:Backblock Ballads and Later Verses (C.J. Dennis, 1918).djvu/77

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Take it frum 'im, or 'e'll chew it inter bits!
You'd no right to leave it out there
With them calves and things about there.
'Eavens! wot a state! Dad's best! My, you'll get fits!

'Ave you washed the things, Matilder? Oh, do 'urry, girl, yer late!
Seems to me you trouble more—Take care!—You dunce!
Now you've broke it! Well I never!
Ain't chu mighty smart an' clever;
Try'n to carry arf a dozen things at once.
No back answers now! You hussy! Don't chu dare talk back at me
Or I'll . . . . Nelly, did ju give them eggs to Bill?
Wot? Chu never? Well I . . . . Mary,
Bring them dishes frum the dairy ;
No, not them, the . . . . Lord, the sun's be'ind the hill!

All right, Dad, all right; don't worry. Now Matilder, goodness, 'urry!
Where'd ju put that pie that's over? Wot? Which shelf?
Mary, wot about the tea things ?
Must I alwis 'ave to see things
Managed proper? Can't chu 'tend to it yerself?
Where's that Bill? Wot! ain't 'e back yet? Did ju ever see the like?