Page:Backblock Ballads and Later Verses (C.J. Dennis, 1918).djvu/76

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When 'e sees the mess you've—Don't stand starin' there!
Go an' get the cart an' neddy;
An' the cream cans—are they ready?
Where's the . . . . There! Fergot the fowls, I do declare!

Chuck!—Chook!—Chook! Why, there's that white un lost another chick to-day!
Nell, 'ow many did I count? Oh, stop that row!
Wot's 'e doin'? Oh. you daisy!
Do you mean to tell me, lazy,
Thet you 'aven't fed the pigs until jus' now?
Oh, do 'urry! There's the men ull soon be knockin' off fer lunch.
An' we 'aven't got the . . . . Reach that bacon down.
Get the billies, Nell, an'—Mary,
Go an' fetch the . . . . Wot? 'Ow dare 'e!
Bill, yer not to wear yer best 'at inter town!
Get up the cans, an' Nell, go down the paddick with the lunch;
There's that dog gone off with . . . . Bill, do 'urry on!
You must get to town in fas' time
Or you'll miss the train like las' time.
Oh, an' Bill, if there's some empties . . . . There, 'e's gone!
Now then, Mary, 'urry up, or . . . . Ow!
Good Gawd, look at that CALF!