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Annex E

Papadopoulos, L., 2010. Sexualisation of young people review, Crown Copyright

Phoenix, A., 201 1. Review of recent literature for the Bailey Review of Commercialisation and Sexualisation of Childhood, Childhood Wellbeing Research Centre. http://www.cwrc.ac.uk/projects.html

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Scott, S. and Jackson, S., 2004. SexualAntinomies in Late Modernity, Sexualities. 7.2, pp. 233-248

Scottish Parliament, 201 1. Compliance with guidelines on the display of sexually graphic magazines, research paper [Online.] http://www.scottish.parliament.uk/s3/committees/petitions/petitionsubmissions/sub—O8/Research_report_final.pdf [Accessed on 11 May 2011]

Statham, j., Mooney, A., Phoenix, A., 2011. Commercialisation and premature sexualisation of children: regulatory frameworks in selected international countries, Childhood Wellbeing Research Centre. http://www.cwrc.ac.uk/projects.html

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