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Mûsa said, "He is right", which made Mûsa ibn-Ṭalḥah say to abu-Burdah, "This man [al-Ḥajjâj?] now claims that his father was among the Prophet's Companions. The Prophet sent Muʿâdh ibn-Jabal to al-Yaman and gave him instructions to collect ṣadaḳah on dates, wheat, barley and raisins."

ʿAmr an-Nâḳid from Mûsa ibn-Ṭalḥah ibn-ʿUbaidallâh who said:—"I have read the letter of Muʿâdh ibn-Jabal when the Prophet sent him to al-Yaman, and there occurred in it the following statement, 'Take ṣadaḳah on wheat, barley, dates and corn.'"

Why more tax on the Syrians. ʿAli ibn-ʿAbdallâh al-Madîni from ibn-abi-Najîḥ who said, "I once asked Mujâhid, 'Why did ʿUmar levy on the people of Syria a heavier poll-tax than on the people of al-Yaman?' and he replied, 'Because they were people of means.'"

Nothing on al-awḳâṣ. Al-Ḥusain ibn-ʿAli ibn-al-Aswad from Ṭâʾûs:—When Muʾâdh arrived in al-Yaman, there was brought before him a medial number of cows and a medial amount[1] of honey, on which he said, "I have no instructions to take anything on this."

The salt of Maʾrib. Al-Ḥusain ibn-al-Aswad from Abyaḍ ibn-Ḥammâl:—The latter asked the Prophet to give him as fief the salt in Maʾrib but hearing someone say, "It is like perennial water,"[2] the Prophet refused to assign it.

A tradition to the same effect was communicated to me by al-Ḳâsim ibn-Sallâm and others on the authority of Abyaḍ ibn-Ḥammâl.

The Prophet gives a fief in Ḥaḍramaut. According to a

  1. Ar. awḳâṣ = what is between one farîḍah and the next; as, for instance when camels amount in number to five, one sheep or goat is to be given for them; and nothing is to be given for such as exceed that number until they amount to ten; thus what is between the five and ten is termed waḳṣ, pl. awḳâṣ.
  2. Having an unfailing and continuous output.