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tradition communicated to me by Aḥmad ibn-Ibrâhim ad-Dauraḳi on the authority of ʿAlḳamah ibn-Wâʾil al-Ḥaḍrami's father, the Prophet gave out as fief to the latter [ʿAlḳamah's father] a piece of land in Ḥaḍramaut.

Muḥammad ibn-Yûsuf severe on al-Yaman. ʿAli ibn-Muḥammad ibn-ʿAbdallâh ibn-abi-Saif, a freedman of Ḳuraish, from Maslamah ibn-Muḥârib:—When Muḥammad ibn-Yûsuf, the brother of al-Ḥajjâj ibn-Yûsuf, was the governor of al-Yaman, he misbehaved, oppressed the people and took pieces of land from certain men without paying their prices. Among the lands he thus wrested was al-Ḥarajah. Morever he levied on the people of al-Yaman a kharâj which he gave the form of an assessed rate of land-tax. When ʿUmar ibn-ʿAbd-al-ʿAzîz came to power, he wrote to his ʿâmil instructing him to abolish that assessed land-tax and take nothing more than the tithe saying, 'Though I may not get from al-Yaman more than a handful of katam,[1] I would rather have that than the passing of such a tax." However, when Yazîd ibn-ʿAbd-al-Malik came to power he reinstated it.

Ṣadaḳah on plants, grains and vegetables. Al-Ḥusain ibn-Muḥammad az-Zaʿfarâni from abu-ʿAbd-ar-Raḥmân Hishâm ibn-Yûsuf, the ḳâḍi of Ṣanʿâʾ:—The people of Khufâsh presented a statement from abu-Bakr aṣ-Ṣiddiḳ on a parchment ordering them to pay ṣadaḳah on a piece of land planted with wars.[2]

According to Mâlik, ibn-abi-Dhiʾb, all the canonists of al-Ḥijâz, Sufyân ath-Thauri and abu-Yûsuf there is no zakât on wars, wasmah,[3] ḳirṭ,[4] katam, ḥinna[5] and roses.

  1. A plant product used for dyeing the hair black.
  2. A certain plant like sesame existing in al-Yaman only, used for dyeing.
  3. A plant with the leaves of which one tinges or dyes.
  4. A kind of leek.
  5. A plant used for dyeing the hands and feet.