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however, was killed[1] before the arrival of Khâlid. So Khâlid with al-ʿAlâʾ laid siege to al-Khaṭṭ. Later, Khâlid received a letter from abu-Bakr ordering him to leave for al-ʿIrâḳ, to which he started from al-Baḥrain, in the year 12.

Al-Wâḳidi says, "According to our companions, Khâlid came first to al-Madînah, whence he started for al-ʿIrâḳ."

ʿAbdallâh ibn-Suhail suffers martyrdom. ʿAbdallâh ibn-Suhail ibn-ʿAmr of the banu-ʿÂmir ibn-Luʾai, whose surname was abu-Suhail and whose mother was Fâkhitah daughter of ʿÂmir ibn-Naufal ibn-ʿAbd-Manâf, suffered martyrdom at Juwâtha. This ʿAbdallâh was one of those who came with the "infidels" to the battle of Badr, but then he joined the Moslem side and embraced Islâm. He took part with the Prophet in the battle of Badr. On the receipt of the news of his death, his father, Suhail ibn-ʿAmr, said, "I expect Allah's renumeration for his loss." On a pilgrimage to Makkah Suhail was met by abu-Bakr who consoled him, and Suhail replied, "I am informed that the Prophet said, 'A martyr can intercede for seventy of his relatives,' and it is my hope that my son will begin with no one before me." When ʿAbdallâh suffered martyrdom, he was 38 years of age.

ʿAbdallâh ibn-ʿAbdallâh suffers martyrdom. Another martyr of the battle of Juwâtha was ʿAbdallâh ibn-ʿAbdallâh ibn-Ubai. According to others than al-Wâḳidi, his martyrdom took place during the battle of al-Yamâmah.

Al-ʿAlâʾ reduces az-Zârah, as-Sâbûn and Dârîn. Al-Mukaʿbar al-Fârisi,[2] who was the friend of Kisra and was once sent by him to annihilate the banu-Tamîm for interfering with his camels (and whose full name was Fairûz ibn-Jushaish[3]), fortified himself in az-Zârah. There, many

  1. Aghâni, vol. xiv, p. 48.
  2. Nöldeke, Geschichte der Perser und Araber, pp. 259 seq.
  3. Perhaps Jushnas, see Skizzen, vol. vi, p. 33. note 2; Nöldeke, Perser, p. no, note 3; Athîr, vol. ii, p. 256.