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Magians who had assembled in al-Ḳaṭif[1] and had refused to pay tax joined him. Al-ʿAlâʾ invested az-Zârah but failed to reduce it in the caliphate of abu-Bakr. In the early part of the caliphate of ʿUmar, however, he reduced it. In the course of the caliphate of ʿUmar, al-ʿAlâʾ conquered by force as-Sâbûn[2] and Dârîn where there is [today] a spot known as Khandaḳ al-ʿAlâʾ [the trench of al-ʿAlâʾ].

According to Maʿmar ibn-al-Muthanna, al-ʿAlâʾ with ʿAbd-al-Ḳais invaded, in the caliphate of ʿUmar ibn-al-Khaṭṭâb, certain villages in as-Sâbûn and reduced them. He then invaded the city of al-Ghâbah and killed those in it who were Persians. Thence he moved to az-Zârah in which al-Mukaʿbar stayed, and besieged him. The satrap of az-Zârah challenged him to a duel, and Barâʾ ibn-Mâlik accepted the challenge and killed him, taking spoils from him which amounted to 40,000 [dirhams] . Under safe conduct, one of the people of az-Zârah came forth to point out the drinking water, and showed al-ʿAlâʾ the spring that issues from az-Zârah. This spring al-ʿAlâʾ filled up. The people seeing that, came to terms, agreeing to offer him one-third of the city and one-third of the gold and silver in it, together with one-half of what they owned outside the city. Then came al-Akhnas al-ʿÂmiri to al-ʿAlâʾ and said, "They have not made terms regarding their children who are now in Dârin." Karrâz an-Nukri pointed out to al-ʿAlâʾ the ford by which he could cross over to them. Thus did al-ʿAlâʾ with a band of Moslems plunge into the sea; and the first thing the people of Darin knew of was the exclamation, "Allah is great!" The people of Dârin sallied forth and attacked them from three sides, but the Moslems killed their fighters and gained possession of the children

  1. Yâḳût, vol. iv, p. 143.
  2. Yâḳût gives "as-Sâbûr".