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This was reported to the Prophet and he prayed: "Make al-Madînah, O Allah, wholesome for us as thou hast made Makkah for us, and bless for us its ṣâʿ and mudd[1] [grain measures]!"

The water-course of al-Ḥarrah. Al-Walîd ibn-Ṣâliḥ from ʿUrwah: One—of the Anṣâr had a dispute with az-Zubair ibn-al-ʿAuwâm regarding the water-courses that run from al-Harrah to the plain. The Prophet said, "Zubair, use the water, then turn it to thy neighbor."[2]

Al-ʿAḳîḳ as fief. Ḥusain ibn-ʿAli ibn-al-Aswad al-ʿIjli from Hishâm ibn-ʿUrwah's father:—As ʿUmar was parcelling al-ʿAḳîḳ into fiefs, he came to a part of it regarding which he remarked, "I never gave such a land in fief." To this Khauwât ibn-Jubair replied, "Give it out to me." And ʿUmar did.

Al-Ḥusain from Hishâm ibn-ʿUrwah's father:—ʿUmar gave al-ʿAḳîḳ in fief from its upper to its lower end.

Al-Ḥusain from Hishâm ibn-ʿUrwah:—ʿUmar accompanied by az-Zubair set out to distribute fiefs, and as ʿUmar was giving them out, he passed by al-ʿAḳîḳ and said: "Where are the seekers of fiefs? I have not yet today passed by a more fertile land." Az-Zubair said: "Give it out to me." And ʿUmar did.

A similar tradition was communicated by al-Ḥusain from Hishâm ibn-ʿUrwah's father.

Khalaf ibn-Hishâm al-Bazzâr from Hishâm ibn-ʿUrwah's father who said:—"Umar ibn-al-Khaṭṭâb gave out as fief to Khauwât ibn-Jubair al-Anṣâri a piece of dead land. This we bought from him."

A similar tradition was communicated to me by al-Ḥusain ibn-al-Aswad on the authority of Hishâm's father.

  1. Wâḳidi, al-Maghâzi, p. 14; al-Azraḳi, p. 382.
  2. One tradition occurring here and defining certain terms in the previous tradition has been omitted in the translation. Evidently it is a gloss.