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Other fiefs. Al-Ḥusain from ʿUrwah:—Abu-Bakr gave out as fief to az-Zubair the land lying between al-Jurf[1] and Ḳanâh.[2] Abu-l-Ḥasan al-Madâʾini told me that Ḳanâh is a valley stretching from aṭ-Ṭâʾif to al-Arḥaḍîyah and Ḳarḳarat al-Kudr and thence it comes to Sudd-Maʿûnah from which it runs by the end of al-Ḳadûm and ends at the head of Ḳubûr ash-Shuhadâʾ [martyrs' tombs] at Uḥud.

Abu-ʿUbaid al-Ḳâsim ibn-Sallâm from certain learned men:—The Prophet gave out as fief to Bilâl ibn-al-Ḥârith al-Muzani certain mines[3] in the Furuʿ district.

ʿAmr an-Nâḳid and ibn-Sahm al-Anṭâki from abu-ʿIkrimah the freedman of Bilâl ibn-al-Ḥârith al-Muzani:—The Prophet gave out as fief to Bilâl a piece of land having a mountain and mines. The sons of Bilâl sold a part of it to ʿUmar ibn-ʿAbd-al-ʿAzîz in which one mineral (or he may have said two) appeared. The sons of Bilâl thereupon said: "What we sold thee is not the minerals but the tillable land." Then they brought forth a statement written for them by the Prophet on a palm leaf which ʿUmar kissed and with which he rubbed his eye saying to his steward: "Find out what the income and the expenses are, retain what thou hast expended, and give them back the balance."

Abu-ʿUbaid from Bilâl ibn-al-Ḥârith:—The Prophet gave out all al-ʿAḳîḳ as fief to Bilâl.

The zakât on the metals. Musʿab az-Zubairi from Mâlik ibn-Anas:—The Prophet assigned as fief to Bilâl ibn-al-Ḥârith certain mines in the Furuʿ district. On this, all our learned men agree. Nor do I know of any disagree-

  1. Called ʿArṣat al-Baḳal in al-Wâḳidi's days, see Wâkidi, tr. Wellhausen, pp. 103–104.
  2. A valley near Mount Thaib, one day's journey from Madînah.
  3. The mines of al-Ḳabaliyah, see al-Muṭarrizi, Kitâb al-Mughrib, vol. ii, p. 108.