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ment among our followers regarding the fact that in the case of mines the zakât is one-fourth of the tithe. It is reported that az-Zuhri often repeated that in the case of mines zakât is binding. It is moreover reported that he said that the zakât is one-fifth. That is what the people of al-ʿIrâḳ say who at present impose on the mines of al-Furuʿ, Najrân, dhu-l-Warwah, Wâdi-l-Ḳura and others one-fifth in accordance with the view of Sufyân ath-Thauri, abu-Ḥanîfah, abu-Yûsuf and the school of al-ʿIrâḳ.[1]

ʿAli's fiefs. Al-Ḥusain ibn-al-Aswad from Jaʿfar ibn-Muḥammad:—The Prophet assigned to ʿAli as fief four pieces of land, i. e., the two Fuḳairs, Biʾr-Ḳais, and ash-Shajarah.[2]

A similar tradition was communicated to me by al-Ḥusain on the authority of Jaʿfar ibn-Muḥammad.

ʿAmr ibn-Muḥammad an-Nâḳid from Jaʿfar ibn-Muḥammad's father:—ʿUmar ibn-al-Khaṭṭâb assigned to ʿAli as fief Yanbuʿ,[3] and another piece was added to it.

A similar tradition was communicated to me by al-Ḥusain on the authority of Jaʿfar ibn-Muḥammad's father.

The well of ʿUrwah, the reservoir of ʿAmr and the canal of Banât-Nâʾilah, etc. The next tradition was communicated to me by one in whom I trust on the authority of Musʿab ibnʿAbdallâh az-Zubairi:—The well of ʿUrwah ibn-az-Zubair is named after ʿUrwah ibn-az-Zubair; the ʿAmr reservoir is named after ʿAmr ibn-az-Zubair; the canal of Banât-Nâʾilah is named after children of Nâʾilah, daughter of al-Farâfiṣah-l-Kalbîyah and wife of ʿUthmân ibn-ʿAffân (ʿUthmân had taken possession of this canal and conveyed

  1. Mâlik ibn-Anas, al-Mudauwanah, vol. ii, p. 47; ash-Shâfiʿi, Kitâb al-Umm, vol. ii2, p. 36.
  2. Yâḳût, vol. iii, pp. 260–261.
  3. Yâḳût, vol. iv, pp. 1038–1039.