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Since the study of Stunology, a Super Science became,
There are many sorts of students studying the same.
Here are a few expressions, which range from Z to A;
Which have the self-same meaning, the same idea convey.

We say a man is “addled,” “aled,” “alcoholed,” or “on the booze,”
Is a “Bacchanalian Buster,” “bottled,” “blithered,” “beered,” excuse,
I nearly forgot to mention, “blue blind,” “bunkered,” and brimful,”
As well as on “a bender,” “in the bats,” if he don’t pull
His heroic self together, and stopped being “cupped” or “canned,”
He'll get “chloroformed” in “celebrating” something great you understand.
“Dingbatitis,” “drinking,” “doped,” “dizzy,” “dazed,” or on “the drunk,”
As “full as an egg,” “ethered,” and likewise “elephant’s trunk,”
As well as “fizzled,” “fumed,” “floored,” “fizzed”; “full,” and, ah yes, “fixed,”
Have the self-same meaning, tho’ the metaphor is mixed.
On the “go,” “gone,” groggy,” “gassed,” “hipped,” or “half seas o’er,”
“Hors de combat,” “hiccoughed,” “helpless” (on the floor),
Again “inebriated,” “inked,” and, ah, “intoxicated,” too,
Mean quite the same as “jamboreed,” now is that plain to you?
“On the jag,” “juiced,” “joyed,” “jargozzled,” and oh, “as full as a kite,”
“Liquored,” “loose kneed,” “as full as a Lord” (get my meaning right?)
Are just the same as “muzzie,” “muddled,” “mugged,” and also “mixed,”