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Recreation Reminiscences

Pray let me introduce to you
Citizens of the village who
Frequent the Recreation.
The Recreation is a place run on model lines,
Superb are its appointments—most excellent it’s wines.
Here when all is going well
And worries are consigned to hell
Citizens meet and with toast and debate,
Settle affairs of country and State.
No question too big or yet too small,
They discuss the lot and settle them all,
And foremost ever ’midst the throng,
Is Casey, comedian, running along.

Now Casey was smacked at Armentieres,
Where lived the lady who for forty years
Hadn’t been kissed till he came along—
You know the rest, you’ve heard the song.

One day in the midst of a keen debate,
One Thomas Ryan he dared to state—
“The Green and Yellow willl never entwine
No more than shandy and bubbly wine,
An’ Ulster’s handy, you’ll want one yet
To keep Old Ireland out of the wet.”
Then Casey he rose in rightful wrath,
And from his lips these words burst forth—
“The Green and Yellow will never entwine?
I give you the live the facts are mine!
And here and now I’ll prove to you
That Nature’s made provision to
Entwine the Yellow and the Green—
The finest combine ever seen.
Here, Thomas Ryan, how can you pass
The fact that green it grows the grass?
The fact that cows consume the same?
The fact that from cows butter came?
The fact that butter’s Yellow you
Admit? Ah, yes!! Of course you do!