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Then if green the grass it grows,
And this to yellow butter goes,
It’s plain to all and easily seen
How yellow mixes with the green.”
Ryan collapsed—but see a new star!
A dinkum Sinn Feiner—Joseph McGrath!

“What time was it then?” said he.
“Did Tommy Campbell there present be?
Was Martin Kennedy’s cab in view?
Was it a minute past, or a minute to?
Did Jimmy Kent to Bill Joyce say
I got six marks in the Chows to-day?
Did Tom Barry and Fred Johnston meet,
Right in the middle of the street?
Did H. H. Smith have a thirty-pound ham,
Asparagus, peas, and a side of lamb?
Had Tommy Ryan had a booze?
Had Lloyd Lord on his boots or shoes?
Did Stace Oxenham go to have some tea?
Had he with him ladies two or three?
Did Harry James in his trap past drive?
Was a Chow selling whitebait ‘All Alive?’
Did Billy Williamson cross the road
Carrying a decent sort of load?
Did Tom Pollard to Peerless Pictures go?
Did Art Beban go to Pollard’s show?
Did Jimmy Brown get a fare of five?
Did Old George Webster just arrive?
Was Billy Parfitt wording a tart?
Did the bus for High Street start?
Did Tim Mullins get from a tabby a smile?
Were he and Jim Conaghan talking a while?
Was Suey the Chinkie passing by?
Did Tom Burke at him ‘Monkey’ cry?
Did you Checker Weenink and Casey see?
Did Charlie Rose wave his hand to me?
Did “Chalkie” and “Locker” pass in a car?
Each of them smoking a big cigar?
Was Disher Jones riding the mare?
Was Charlie Bignell and Sully there?
Was Jimmy Lynch?———But see over the way
Leaps to his feet George Mitchell McKay.

“Don’t rub the dirt in South Beach Bull,
I’ve given you latitude good and full,
I’ll prove right now I played the game.