aſſemblyd Iv allronomyens / of whom he enquyred what ſhold befalle of his ſone/ & they ſayd to hym that he ſhold be grete in power & in richeſſes/ & one more wyſe than another ſaid/ ſyr this childe that is born ſhal not be in thy reygne/ but he ſhal be in another moche better without comparyſon / and know thou that I ſuppofe that he ſhal be of cryſten relygyon / which thou perſecuteſt/ & that ſayd not he of hym ſelf/ but he ſayd it by Inſpyracion of god/ And whan the kynge herde that he doubted moche and dyd do make without the cyte a ryȝt noble paleys / and therein ſette he hys ſone for to dwell and abyde/ and fette right fayre yongelynges/ and commanded them that they ſhold not ſpeke to hym of deth/ ne of old age/ ne of ſekenes/ ne of pouerte ne of no thynge that may gyue hym cauſe of heuynes but ſay to hym alle thynges that ben ioyous / ſo that hys minde may be eſpryſed with gladnes / & that he thynke on no thynge to come / and anone as ony of his ſervauntes were ſeke/ The kynge commaunded for to take hem aweye/ and ſette another hool in hys ſtede/ and commaunded that no mencyon ſhold be made to hym of Jheſu cryſte/ C In that tyme was wyth the kynge a man whych was ſecretely cryſten/ and was chyef emonge alle the noble