prynces of the kynge/ and as he wente on a tyme to hunte wyth the kynge/ he fond a pour man lyeng on the grounde/ whiche was hurte on the foot of a beeſt/ whyche prayed that he wold receyue hym / and that he myght of hym be holpen by fomme meane / and the knyght ſayd I ſhall receyue the gladly/ but I wote not how thou mayſl doo ony prouffyte/ And he ſayd to hym I am a leche of wordes/ & yf ony be hurte by wordes I can wel gyue hym a medecyne/ and the knyght ſette it at noughte all that he ſayd / but he receyued hym onely for goddes ſake/ and helyd hym and thenne prynces enuyous and malycyous ſawe that this prynce was ſoo grete and gracyous with the kynge accuſed hym to the kynge/ and ſayd that he was not onely torned to the cryſten feythe/ but enforced to withdrawe fro hym his royame/ and that he moeuyd and ſolycyted the companye and counceylled theym therto / And yf thou wylt know it ſayd they / thenne calle hym ſecretelye/ and ſay to hym that this lyf is ſone doon / and therfore thou wylte leue the glorye of the worlde and of thy royame and affirme that thou wylt take the habyte of monkes/ whome thou haſt ſoo perſecuted by ygnoraunce / and after thou ſhalt ſee what he ſhal anſwer and whan the kynge had