& heryng to deef men Hyt maketh the dombe to ſpeke/ and gyueth wyſedom to fooles/ and therfore brynge me to the kynges ſone and I ſhal delyuer it to hym/ To whom he ſayd thou ſeemeſt a man of prudente nature but thy wordes accorde no thynge to wyſedom / Neuertheleſſe yf I had knowleche of that ſtone / ſhewe it me/ and yf it be ſuche as thou ſayeſt/ and ſo proued / thou ſhalt haue right grete honoures of the kynges ſone / To whome balaam ſayd / my ſtone hath yet fuche vertue/ that he that ſeeth if/ and hath none hool ſyght and kepeth not entyer chaſtyte/ yf he happelye ſawe it/ the vertue vysyble that he hath he ſhold leſe it/ and I that am a phyſycyen ſee wel that thou haſt not thy ſyght hoole/ but I vnderſtonde that the kynges ſone is chaſte and hath ryght faire eyen and hoole/ And thenne the man ſayd yf it be ſo ſhewe it not to me / For myn eyen ben not hoole/ and am foule of ſynne/ and balaam ſayd thys thynge apperteyneth to the kynges ſone/ and therfore brynge me to hym anone/ and he anone tolde this to the kynges ſone / and broughte hym anone in / And he receyued hym honourably / and thenne balaam ſayd to hym/ thou haſt doon wel/ for thou haſt not taken hede of my lytelneſſe that apperyth withoutforth / but thou haſt doon lyke