croked for age/ wherof he was abaſſhed and ſaid he deſyred to knowe the myracle of thys vyſyon / and whan he knewe that thys was by cauſe he had lyued many yerys / and thenne he demaunded what ſhold be the ende/ and they ſayd dethe/ and he ſayd/ is then the dethe the ende of alle men or of ſomme and they ſayd for certeyn that alle men muſt deye / And whan he knewe that alle ſholde deye/ he demaunded them in how many yerys that ſhold happene/ and they ſayd in olde age of four ſcore yere or an hondred/ and after that age the dethe followeth/ and thys yonge man remembryd ofte in hys herte thyſe thynges/ and was in grete dyſcomforte / but he ſhewyd hym moche glad tofore his fader/ and he deſyred moche to be enformed and taughte in thyſe thynges /
And thenne there was a monke of parfyte lyf and good opynyon that dwellyd in the deſerte of the londe of Sennaar named balaam/ And thys monke knewe by the holy ghooſt what was done aboute this kynges ſone/ and toke the abbyte of a marchaunte/ and came vnto the cytee and ſpake to the greteſt gouernour of the kynges ſone/ and ſayd to hym I am a marchaunte and haue a precyous ſtone to selle whyche gyueth ſyght to blynde men/