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thing that is compoſed. The members and the lims be compoſed to ſée, to féele, and to mooue, and bée inſtrmments of the ſoule, as hand, foote, and eien, & other ſuch bée néedfull in diuerſe qualities to the working of the ſoule, kinde maketh inſtrumentes of bodye couenable to the vertue of ye ſoule. The ſoule hath diuers vertues, & therefore diuerſe members & limmes be néedful, as it fareth in hands, in the which be manye fingers and diuerſe in qualitie and quantie, that they may holde great things as well as ſmal. And for the ſoule hath thrée manner workinges, which be called Animalis, Naturalis, and Spiritualis, Feeling, Kindly, and Spirituall: the members and limmes bée néedfull to theſe workings of the Soule: And ſo the members that followe the vertue Animall, be called Animata, which bée néedful to ſhape féeling and ſpéedie mouing in al beaſts, as the braine, the ſinewes, the eyen, and other inſtruments of féeling. The members that be obedient to the vertue of liuing, be called ſpirituallye Vitalia, which bée made to draw breath and ſpirituall lyfe, to ſlake heate, and ſaue the lyfe, as the heart, the lungs, and ſuch other. The members yt ſerue the vertue of kinde, be called Naturalia, & Nutritiua, of ye which ſome bée Nutratiue, the which change ye meat into ſubſtance of members. As the ſtomacke, the liuer, and ſuch other: and ſome ſerue to gendering, and to kéepe & ſaue the things of kinde, that generally be diſtinguiſhed by ſpeciall, and ſpeciall, by ſingulars. For when all the ſingulars ſhall be corrupt, it néedeth that it be reſtored by the vertue of the gendering, and ſo ſaued in ſpeciall béeing, that it be not all loſt. Some other members ſerue to theſe members Generatiue, and helpe them, and members helpe eyther other. And of theſe members that ſerue and bée profitable in many manner wiſe, ſome make ready, ſome purge, and cleanſe, and ſome defend, and ſome beare about. So the firſt bée they that make readye, as the limmes of wittes that ſerue the braine, the heart, the lungs, the liuer, the ſtomacke, and the limmes for meate. The ſecond be they that beare, as the ſinewes, the which receiue the ſpirit Animall of the braine, and carrye it to euerye member to make moouing and féeling. Alſo the organe ſerueth the hart, the vaines, and the liuer, for the woſen taketh the ſpirit of the heart, and beareth it forth to make the pulſe: and the vaines take bloud of the liuer, to nouriſh and to féede the bodie. The third be they that purge and cleanſe, that is to wit, they that put off ſuperfluities and things that grieue. As the holes of the noſe in the head, and the waye by the which the heart ſendeth out ſuperfluitie of ſmoake to the lungs till it bée put all out. Alſo the caſe of the gall, and the ſplene cleanſe and purge the liuer from ſuperfluities of cholar and melancholy, as the reines cleanſe from watry matters. The fourth be they that defend, as the two ſkinnes and the ſkul defend the braine from grieuing and hurting. Phiſitions furthermore call theſe two ſkins the hard Mother & the middle mother. Alſo the bones of the breaſt defend the heart, and the brawnes, and the ſnailes of the ribbes defend the liuer. Among the ſpirituall members, the heart is chiefe: for it is the principall well of all the life and foundation of kindly heate. The lunges, the ſkinne, the brawnes, and woſen, be helpers thereof, by whoſe mouing aire is drawne to coole the hart, and to remoue therefrom fumous ſuperfluous heate. The defence whereof, are the thinne ſkinnes, that be within: of the midriefe and other ſuch members of kinde, and of féeding, the liuer is chiefe, therein is digeſtion made, by the which all the bodye is fedde. To the ſeruice of the liuer, the members that be nigh therto be ordeined. Héereof it followeth that ſome members be principall. For of other members they bée principles, rootes, and originalls: and ſome bée the members of office, that receiue of the foreſayne members the influence, and working of vertue: and kéepeth the beſt, and alſo ſerueth euerye other. And ſome bée lyttle, that Conſtantinus calleth Onuomeria, that is ſimple part.