For they be of one kinde with their parties touching nature: For euery part of viſible fleſh is fleſh, and euery parte of fatneſſe is fatneſſe, and ſo of other. Then gather thou of thoſe foreſayde things, that the membes of kinde, ordeined by crafte, make the bodye that hath ſoule perfect, and they take of the ſoule, the influence of vertue. Alſo they be ioined together in a wonderfull proportion, that is called Armonica, for ye more be coupled to ye leſſe, & ſo the leſſe to the more, with the ſinewes and other bands. Alſo theſe members ſerue each other, & know their works and vertues. For the ouer giue influence and gouernaunce to the neather: and the neather holde vp the vpper: The middle and the meane couple, and ioyne the ouer and the neather in working. For the eye ruleth the neather members: the féete and the thighs holde and beare vp the waight of the other members: and the hands and the armes helpe & defend both the head and the feete, the ouer and the neather. Alſo as long as the members be ruled by the ſoule, they be profitable & whole, to perfect working and perfection of the bodie: but if they looſe the gouernance of the ſpirits, they be grieuous to the other part of the bodie. Alſo the members of cleane and pure complection be more able to be obedient to the working of the ſpirites. Therefore Liber 18. Ariſtotle ſayth, That the head hath little fleſh, and little fatneſſe, to haue the better wit and vnderſtanding. And that one cauſe is, becauſe the ſpirit in the ſinews of feeling is much let in his paſſing by hardneſſe and greatneſſe of fleſh. Alſo the members be ſo ſet togethers, that for their binding and knitting togethers, euery hath compaſſiō of other. And therfore the member that is leſſe grieued, hath compaſſion of the member that is more grieued. And therfore if one member be hurt, the humour of the other members runne and come to the ſore place: as it is ſayd in Aphori. The greater ſore and ach that chaunceth in one member, ſwageth the ach of another member, and taketh away moſt part of the ach thereof, as it fareth in them that haue the phrenſie, in ye which if yt thighs and armes be hard wrong, the ach of the head ceaſeth. For ye ſpirites & humours runne and come to the member yt is hard wrong whereby the head is eaſed. Alſo the more noble ye members be of ſubſtaunce, and of making, ye more grieuouſly, and the ſooner they féele the grieſe of any hurt: As it fareth in ye eye yt is more grieued with a little duſt, then the hand or the foote is with a great wound. And yt is for the nobilitie and preciouſneſſe of the eie. For the ſpirite of feeling hath more maſterie in the eie then in other members. And ſo a very litle hurt in ye ioyntes of the members, in the ſinewes of féeling, is moſt grieuous. For by letting of ſuch members, the vertue of féeling and moouing is principally and moſt haſtely let. And the armonie, accorde, or ioyning of all the bodie is diſſolued: Alſo by errour of kinde ingendering of members, ſometime it happeneth, ye ſuperflueus and monſtrous members are made, as is ſaid, Li. Animal. 17. and that oft time beaſts are ſéene with one body and many heads, nor that is no wonder but becauſe it is ſeldome ſeene. Alſo ſomtime in the Egge be two yolks, that bée diuided in two, and one webbe and call. And that happeneth through comming togethers of two ſéedes, that drawe eyther to other in diuerſe times not long a ſunder. He ſayth alſo that it happeneth oft of ſuch an Egge commeth a member wonderfally ſhapen, as a chicken wt one bodie, and one head, and foure féete and foure wings, as Ariſtotle ſaith ther. And this wonderfull errour happeneth moſt in ſhéepe and Goates, and in beaſtes of many broodes: And therfore he ſaith, that in old time a Goat Buck was ſeene wt hornes in the thighs. This wonderfull ſhape in members ſuperfluous, falleth generally of ſuperfluitie of matter, and default of the vertue informatiue, as hée ſaith in the ſame booke. Wherefore wée ought to eſteeme, yt this wōderful ſhape in members cōmeth of ye matter: when the vertue of working is ſtrong, and the matter is little, and by ſome occaſſion diminiſhed, then it happeneth that manye members be ſeene, and in all his default