are alwaye busie wayting and attending in the praysing of God.
And they be painted beardles: for to take consideration and héede, that they passe neuer the state of youth, neyther ware feeble in vertues, neither faile for age. Men saye that they haue téeth, because grace, that they receiue of God, they vse to part and deale it to other, as it were chewing and grinding, and therby their might and power is betokened. They haue armes and handes, for by theyr might in working they sustaine our infirmities. And cease not to holde vp and defende good men, that God hath chosen. Men saye, that they haue heartes and breastes, for because they haue life lyke to the lyfe of God, and worke openlye to helpe vs to receiue the grace of lyfe, and such lyfe as God hath. They haue ribbes and sides, for they haue safelye in themselues all the giftes of grace, and by kéeping of them all thing is sure and safe in good men. Men say, that they haue flankes and thighes, but hidde with clothing, for they haue within themselues, grace and vertue, hid from fleshly men. •éete they haue, but as it were alwaye bare, for the mouing of their affection to Godward is sequestred from all deadly lyking.
¶How Angells be described. Cap. 4.
Also Angelles be painted in manye manner shapes wonderfully altered, as Saint Denys toucheth in the end of the Angelicall Hierarchie. Truely they be paynted feathered and winged: for that they are of contrary cause & clenne from all earthlye cogitation. And they be lifted vp in effect and knowledge, and rauished to the innermost contemplation of the loue of God.
They are cloathed in fierie redde cloathes, for that they be wrapped in the lyght and mantell of the knowledge and loue of God. They bee cloathed with lyght as with a garment. Psal. 104. They are gyrde with golden girdles, for that they be so clipped with the habite of vertues, that they neuer slyde to vice neither to sinne. They beare in hande authorities and scepters, for after God they giue all rightfull iudgements, and rule and gouern rightfullye all that is in this worlde, that we knowe with vtter wittes. They beare in theyr handes swordes and speares: for by vertue that is giuen to them, they warre, and destroye the vproares and the enforcings of fiends, and of other that are rebellyous. They be séene to haue Trowells, and hanging plommets, and measures, and workemens tooles: For by prouision of Angells, God vseth to tourne euill men to good, and moueth them that they might bée made the habitation of the Holye ghost.
They haue in their handes, rule, lynes, and measures, for they diuide, meate, & weigh all mens works good & euill. And they are sayde to haue Phyals with swéet smelling things: for by dooing of them our wounds are brought to grace of health. And it is read, that they be girde as they were apparayled readye to goe and walke forth on their waye: for by their helpe and guyding, godlye disposed men be alwaye brought home into blysse! Also they be sayde to beare pennars and inke hornes, and other instrumentes of Writers: For that, that through theyr dooing, the priuitie of Gods will, is oftentimes reuealed and knowen.
They bée furnished in armes, and weapon of battayle and of warre: For that by helpe of them, good men are often succoured and defended, in warre and in battayle of bodye and of soule. And the• harpe: For that they that are worthye to bée comforted, by theyr helpe and prayers, fall not into sorrowe of despayre, and so to be without hope.
They beare Trumpettes in theyr handes, for that they call and comforte and excite vs to profite alwaye in goodnesse. Manye such manner things are written of the araye and doing of Angells, that betoken theyr meruaylous workes.