¶ How Angells be compared to materiall things. Cap. 5.
ALso they be likened to other things, that be taken & transumpt of naturalls[1] For to signifie and declare theyr profound and secret workings: example. They be likened to windes, for yt they flye and passe sodainely, so their déedes and workes. They be called cloudes, for that they be rauished towarde God by very contemplation. They be lykened to fire, for that they be wholly inflamed with burning loue of God, and as fire they shine in knowledge, and burne in loue.
Now they are named golde; now siluer, and now latten, for they haue pure shining, as light, and be adorned with the wisedome of God. They be lykened to Carbuncles & Saphires, and to other precious stones that be sad and bright, for because they be firme in the grace of God, and confirmed in the blisse: and by their presence, all that is in heauen and in earth, is wonderfully beautified. They are called Lions, for that they be grisly and dreadfull against wicked spirites and to sinfull men: or els as the Commentor vpon the Hierarchie Angelicall saith, because when they aspire to the contemplation of God[2], that was knowen afore, is wiped out of minde: when cleerenesse that is desired, is openly knowen, to the soules that desireth: for a Lyon vseth to wype awaye his owne steppes with his tayle. They are called Oxen, for an Ore eareth the land, and maketh it able to beare fruite: So Angells make mens soules able to receiue graines of vertues and of gifts. They are called Eagles, for that they beholde strayght and stiffelye in God, that is the Sunne of righteousnesse, without dazelyng of theyr eyen[3]. They are called Horses for by the Lawe of obedience, they be subiecte to God, that is Lorde aboue them. Sometime also they are called white Horses, for the bright and cléere knowing of God. And sometime blacke Horses, for they maye not comprehende the Maiestie of God at the ful: for blacknes is darke coulour and dimme. Sometime redde Horses, for they shewe dread of righteousnesse and equitie. And some time of diuers coulours, for the variable vse of power that they haue receyued. The vttermost coulours are mixed together, and by the perfect vertue of Angells, the first are ioyned and tourned to the seconde, and the seconde to the first, and be tourned either into others loue. And they be called firie Riuers, because they receiue streames or flowings of diuine grace, and they shedde out plenteouslye that neuer fayleth of fresh streames of Gods grace, and powre out to other in plentie of lyfe: and therefore they are lykened to a firie Riuer. Also they be called Chariots, for in a Charyot is manye things carried at once: For they bée by one assent borne vp, associate and coupled togethers, in the ioyfull companye of God.
They be also called Whéeles: For as a Whéele windeth and tourneth about, and mooueth alwaye about the selfe Center: so Angells are in contemplation, and mooue about that thing, that belongeth to God, as it were about the centre or poynt in the middes of a compasse intellectuall: for theyr desire maye not be quenched, and what they desire, passeth theyr •uit•e and might. And therefore also they are lykened to Chariots and firie wheeles. For that they come downe to subiectes, and illuminate them, and so goe vp agayne, and guiding euermore by contemplation. And they present to our Lorde, prayers and inwarde cogitations of good men: and bring dead mens soules into Abrahams bosome, and into the Countrey of blisse. And they are called Surgeons and Phisitions, because they cure and heale soules.
And they be also called Smithes, for that they prepare for vs ghostlye weapons.