Page:Battle of Minderoo.pdf/2

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Twas Sabbath morn, the rising sun
Had not appeared in view;
But day contested with the night
At beauteous Minderoo
The Cork-bark shed a sweet perfume,
And the wild Ashburton Pea
Made sweeter still the morning air,
And birds sang merrily
What means this band of armed men
Who ride on firey steeds
What mission brings them this abroad
That so much caution need as,
No pannicans or hobble chains
Upon their saddles tied.
They seem to hold their very breath,
As o'er the plain they ride.
How slowly, and how silently
They're riding neck, and neck.
The impatient neighing of a steed
His rider soon doth check.
The sun shows in the Eastern sky
Illumining the scene,
And lighting up the thick snake-bush,
With leaves of heavy green.
The startled Emu o'er the plain;
Is quickly lost to view,
And from the gums with noisy scream
There flies the Cockatoo.
A smile comes o'er our leaders face,
A smile that seems to show
He feels that job, a warrior feels
Who meets a worthy foe:
For there some hundred yards ahead
The dimly burning fires
Betray the presence of the foe
To meet whom he desires.
A foe both dangerous & cruel
With cunning like to theirs
He means now to surround their camp,
And take them unawares;
They see the troop, and starting up,