Page:Battle of Minderoo.pdf/3

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With wild discordant cry.
They yell like fiends, & on the whites
Intimidation try.
They little know that leader bold;
Who fought in many a field
With stern commanding voice he crys
On every man to yield.
They answer with their fighting spears
Most cruelly barbed in rows
With cooley's, and with clubs they try
to disconcert their foes.
Now Hooley had that barbed spear,
But one inch nearer been;
By Heaven above your
your wife, & child
You never more had seen.
Well shot bold Bob! that warrior
His earthly course has run;
He'll never throw another spear,
Nor view the setting sun.
Bold trooper Vincent's restive steed
Doth rear with all his force
He only asks to fight on foot
If one will hold his horse
Now Ensign Willie's mare doth try,
From off the field to bolt
She kicks, and rears but still Will lets
Them taste his navy colt
Mc Rae confronts the dusky foe
Upon his well trained horse;
He fears no spears; alike defies
The coyles whirling force.
An ugly smile upon his face
Most dangerous to see
Descended evidently from
A Scottish ancestry.
His rein hangs loosely on his arm;
His rifle grasped tight
He sits just like one carved in stone,
And cooly takes a sight
The leader of the savages
The white man's arms defies;