Page:Beauties of Burn's poems.pdf/56

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( 56 )

My heart did glowin transport feel,
To see a Race[1] heroic wheel,
And brandish round the deep-dy'd stech
In sturdy blows,
While back recoiling seem'd to reel
Their southern foes.

His Country's Saviour[2], mark him well:
Bold Richarton's[3] heroic swell;
The chief on Sark[4], who glorious fell,
In high command:
And He wham ruthless Fates expel
His native land.

There where a scepter'd Pictish[5] shade
Stalk'd round his ashes lowly laid,

  1. The Wallaces.
  2. William Wallace.
  3. Adam Wallace of Richardton, cousin to the immortal Preserver of Scottish Independence.
  4. Wallace, Laird of Craigie, who was second in command under Douglas, Earl of Ormond, at the famous battle on the banks of Sark, fought Anno 1448. That glorious victory was principally owing to the judicious conduct and intrepid valour of the gallant Laird of Craigie, who died of his wounds after the action.
  5. Coilus, King of the Picts, from whom the district of Kyle is said to have taken its name, lies buried, as tradition says, near the family-seat of the Montgomeries, of Coilfield, where his burial-place is still shown.