Page:Beauties of Burn's poems.pdf/57

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( 57 )

I mark'd a martial race pourtray'd
In colours strong:
Bold, soldier-featur'd, undismay'd
They strode along.

[1]Thro' many a wild, romantic grove,
Near many a hermit-fancy'd cove,
(Fit haunts for Friendship, or for Love,
In musing mood),
An aged Judge, I saw him rove,
Dispensing good.

[2]With deep-struck reverential awe,
The learned Sire and Son I saw,
To Nature's God, and Nature's law
They gave their lore;
This, all its source and end to draw;
That, to adore.

Brydon's brave Ward[3] I well could spy,
Beneath old Scotia's smiling eye,
Who call'd on Fame, low standing by,
To hand him on,
Where many a Patriot-name on high
And Hero shone.

  1. Barskimming, the seat of the Lord-Justice-Clerk.
  2. Catrine, the seat of the late Doctor, and also Professor Stewart.
  3. Colonel Fullarton.