Page:Beauties of Burn's poems.pdf/59

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( 59 )

To mend the honest Patriot-lore,
And grace the land.

And when the Bard, or hoary sage,
Charm or instruct the future age,
They bind the wild poetic rage
In energy,
Or point the inconclusive page
Full on the eye.

Hence Fullarton, the brave and young;
Hence Dempster's zeal-inspired tongue;
Hence sweet, harmonious Beatie sung
His Minstrel-Lays,
Or tore, with noble ardour stung,
The Sceptic's bays.

The lower orders are assign'd
The humbler ranks of Human-kind,
The rustic Bard, the lab'ring Hind,
The Artisan;
All choose, as various they're inclin'd
The various man.

When yellow waves the heavy grain,
The threat'ning storm some strongly rein:
Some teach to meliorate the plain,
With tillage-skill;
And some instruct the Shepherd-train,
Blythe owre the hill.

Some hint the Lover's harmless wile;
Some grace the Maiden's artless smile:
Some soothe the Lab'rers weary toil
For humble gains,