Page:Beauties of Burn's poems.pdf/58

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( 58 )


With musing deep, astonish'd stare,
I view'd the heav'nly-seeming Fair!
And whisp'ring throb did witness bear
Of kindred sweet,
When with an elder sister's air
She did me greet.

All hail! my own inspired Bard;
In me thy native Muse regard;
Nor longer mourn thy fate is hard,
Thus poorly low!
I come to gie thee such reward
As we bestow.

Know, the great Genius of this Land
Has many a light, ærial band,
Who, all beneath his high command,
As Arts or Arms they understand,
Their labours ply,

They Scotia's Race amang them share;
Some fire the Soldier on to dare;
Some rouse the Patriot up to bare
Corruption's heart;
Some teach the Bard a darling care,
The tuneful art.

'Mongst swelling floods of reeking gore,
They ardent, kindling spirits pour;
Or 'mid the venal Senate's roar,
They slightless stand,