Page:Beauties of Burn's poems.pdf/75

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( 75 )

And like a godly elect bairn,
He's wal'd us out a true ane,
And sound this day.

Now R——— harangue nae mair,
But steek your gab for ever;
Or try the wicked town o' A—,
For there they'll think you clever;
Or, nae reflection on your lear,
Ye nay commence a Shaver;
Or to the N-th-rt-n repair,
And turn a carpet-weaver
Aff-hand this day.

M——— and you were just a match,
We never had sic twa drones;
Auld Hornie did the Laigh Kirk watch,
Just like a winkin baudrons;
And aye he catch'd the tither wretch,
To fry them in his caudrons;
But now his Honour maun detach,
Wi' a' his brimstone squadrons,
Fast, fast this day.

See, see, auld Orthodoxy's fues,
She's swingin through the city!
Hark how the nine-tailed cat she plays!
I vow it's unco pretty.
There Learning, wi' his Greekish face,
Grunts out some Latin ditty;
And Common-Sense is gaun, she says,
To make to Jamie Beatie
Her plaint this day.
