Page:Beauties of Burn's poems.pdf/76

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( 76 )

But there's Morality himsel,
Embracing a' opinions;
Hear how he gies the tither yell,
Between his twa companions:
See, how she peels the skin, and fell,
As an were peclin onions!
Now there they're packed aff' to h—ll,
And banish'd our dominions,
Henceforth this day.

O happy day! rejoice, rejoice,
Come bouse about the porterː
Morality's demure decoys
Shall here nae mair find quarter:
M'———, R———, are the boys
That Heresy can torture;
They'll gie her on a rape a hoyse,
And cow her measure shorter
By the head some day.

Come, bring the tither mutchkin in,
And here's for a conclusion,
To ev'ry New-light[1] mother's son,
From this time forth confusion!
If mair they deave us wi' their din,
Or patronage intrusion,
We'll light a spunk, and, every skin,
We'll rin them aff in fushion,
Like oil, some day.

  1. New-light is a cant phrase for certain religious opinions.