Page:Beauties of Burn's poems.pdf/84

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( 84 )

But yet, O L—d, confess I must,
At times I'm fash'd wi' fleshly lust;
And sometimes too wi' wardly trust,
Vile self gets in:
But thou remembers we are dust,
Defil'd in sin.

O L—d, yestreen, thou kens, wi' Meg,
Thy pardon I sincerely beg,
O! may't ne'er be a livin plague
To my dishonour,
And I'll ne'er lift a lawless l-g
Again upon her.

Besides, I farther maun avow,
Wi' Lizzie's lass, three times, I trow;
But L—d, that Friday I was fou,
When I came near her,
Or else, thou kens, thy servant true
Wad ne'er hae steer d her

Maybe thou lets this fleshly thorn
Beset thy servant e'en and morn,
Lest he owre high and proud shou'd turn,
'Cause he's sae gifted;
If sae, thy han' maun e'en be born,
Until thou lift it.

L—d bless thy chosen in this place,
For here thou hast a chosen race;
But G-d confound their stubborn face,
And blast their name,
Wha bring thy elders to disgrace,
And public shame