Page:Beauties of Burn's poems.pdf/85

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( 85 )

L—d mind G—n H—n's deserts,
He drinks, and swears, and plays at cartes,
Yet has sae mony takin arts,
Wi' grit and sma',
Frae G-d's ain priests the people's hearts
He steals awa.

And when we chasten'd him therefor,
Thou kens how he bred sic a splore,
As set the warld in a roar
O' laughin at us:
Curse thou his basket and his store,
Kail and potatoes.

L—d hear my earnest cry and pray'r,
Against the Presbyt'ry of Ayr;
Thy strong right hand, L—d, make it bare
Upo' their heads,
L—d weigh it down, and dinna spare,
For their misdeeds.

O L—d, my G—d, that glib-tongu'd A—n.
My very heart and saul are quakin,
To think how I stood sweatin, shakin,
And p—d wi' dread,
While he, wi' hingin lips, and snakin,
Held up his head.

L—d in the day of vengeance try him,
L—d visit there wha did employ him,
And pass not in the mercy by m,
Nor hear their pray'r,
But fer thy people's sake destroy 'm,
And dinna spare.