hwæðre [earm-]sceapen . . . . . . . . . . . .[1]
. . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fol. 179b.
2230. . . . sceapen . . . . . . [þā hyne] se fǣr begeat[2]
sinc-fæt [geseah].[3] Þǣr wæs swylcra fela
in ðām eorð-[hū]se ǣr-gestrēona,
swā hȳ on gēar-dagum gumena nāt-hwylc,
eormen-lāfe æþelan cynnes,
2235þanc-hycgende þǣr gehȳdde,
dēore māðmas. Ealle hīe dēað fornam
ǣrran mǣlum, ond se[4] ān ðā gēn
lēoda duguðe, sē ðǣr lengest hwearf,
wearð wine-gēomor, wēnde þæs yldan,[5]
2240þæt hē lȳtel fæc long-gestrēona
brūcan mōste. Beorh eall gearo
wunode on wonge wæter-ȳðum nēah,
nīwe be næsse, nearo-cræftum fæst;
þǣr on innan[6] bær eorl-gestrēona
2245hringa hyrde hard-fyrne[7] dǣl,
- ↑ 2228. “According to the traces left, the first word [i.e. in the MS. line] may have been earm.”—Z.
- ↑ 2230. “þa hine before se?”—Z. Wülcker ‘fǣs.’ Zupitza: “fæs freshened up, but s seems to stand on an original r.”
- ↑ 2231. After the first line of the new folio, the illegibility is confined to the edges of the next three lines. Heyne’s emendation. Wülcker ‘scīr’ or ‘seah,’ thinking there is not room for geseah. I think there is. Zupitza has six dots.
- ↑ 2237. “Si the later hand, but i seems to stand on an original e.”—Z.
- ↑ 2239. B ‘weard’ (so Wülcker and Heyne); Zupitza ‘wearð’ (almost the only instance in which he transliterates the reading of the first hand). “The last letter of the first word was originally ð, although the later hand has not freshened up the stroke through the d.”—Z. “rihde the later hand, but wende the first.”—Z. Wülcker ‘wīscte.’
- ↑ 2244. “innon the later hand, but o stands on an original a.”—Z.
- ↑ 2245. Zupitza ‘hard-wyrðne,’ and in a foot-note: “w (or f?) and the