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Page:Beowulf (Wyatt).djvu/123

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gomen glēo-bēames,  ne gōd hafoc
geond sæl swingeð,  ne se swifta mearh
2265burh-stede bēateð.  Bealo-cwealm hafað
fela feorh-cynna  forð[1] onsended.”
Swā gīomor-mōd  giohðo mǣnde
ān æfter eallum,  unblīðe hwē[op]
dæges ond nihtes,  oð ðæt dēaðes wylm
2270hrān æt heortan.  Hord-wynne fond
eald ūht-sceaða  opene standan,
sē ðe byrnende  biorgas sēceð,
nacod nīð-draca,  nihtes flēogeð
fȳre befangen;  hyne fold-būend
2275*[swīðe ondrǣ]da[ð].[2]  Hē gesēcean sceallFol. 180b.
[ho]r[d on] hrūsan,  þǣr hē hǣðen gold
warað wintrum frōd;  ne byð him wihte ðȳ sēl.
Swā se ðēod-sceaða  þrēo hund wintra
hēold on hrūsan[3]  hord-ærna sum
2280ēacen-cræftig,  oð ðæt hyne ān ābealh[4]
mon on mōde;  man-dryhtne bær
fǣted wǣge,  frioðo-wǣre bæd
hlāford sīnne.  Ða wæs hord rāsod,
onboren bēaga hord;[5]  bēne getīðad
2285fēa-sceaftum men.  Frēa scēawode
fīra fyrn-geweorc  forman sīðe.

  1. 2266. A B ‘feorð’; Zupitza ‘forð.’ He says: “There is a dot under e, which is besides very indistinct.” Underdotting is equivalent to erasure. Heyne considers l. 808 conclusive in favour of his reading ‘feorr.’
  2. 2275—6. MS. defective and illegible at top and corner. Zupitza’s emendations.
  3. 2279. MS. ‘hrusam.’
  4. 2280. MS. ‘abealch.’
  5. 2284. Bugge suggests ‘beaga dǣl’ on the ground that the repetition of hord is a mistake of the scribe.
