gomen glēo-bēames, ne gōd hafoc
geond sæl swingeð, ne se swifta mearh
2265burh-stede bēateð. Bealo-cwealm hafað
fela feorh-cynna forð[1] onsended.”
Swā gīomor-mōd giohðo mǣnde
ān æfter eallum, unblīðe hwē[op]
dæges ond nihtes, oð ðæt dēaðes wylm
2270hrān æt heortan. Hord-wynne fond
eald ūht-sceaða opene standan,
sē ðe byrnende biorgas sēceð,
nacod nīð-draca, nihtes flēogeð
fȳre befangen; hyne fold-būend
2275*[swīðe ondrǣ]da[ð].[2] Hē gesēcean sceallFol. 180b.
[ho]r[d on] hrūsan, þǣr hē hǣðen gold
warað wintrum frōd; ne byð him wihte ðȳ sēl.
Swā se ðēod-sceaða þrēo hund wintra
hēold on hrūsan[3] hord-ærna sum
2280ēacen-cræftig, oð ðæt hyne ān ābealh[4]
mon on mōde; man-dryhtne bær
fǣted wǣge, frioðo-wǣre bæd
hlāford sīnne. Ða wæs hord rāsod,
onboren bēaga hord;[5] bēne getīðad
2285fēa-sceaftum men. Frēa scēawode
fīra fyrn-geweorc forman sīðe.
- ↑ 2266. A B ‘feorð’; Zupitza ‘forð.’ He says: “There is a dot under e, which is besides very indistinct.” Underdotting is equivalent to erasure. Heyne considers l. 808 conclusive in favour of his reading ‘feorr.’
- ↑ 2275—6. MS. defective and illegible at top and corner. Zupitza’s emendations.
- ↑ 2279. MS. ‘hrusam.’
- ↑ 2280. MS. ‘abealch.’
- ↑ 2284. Bugge suggests ‘beaga dǣl’ on the ground that the repetition of hord is a mistake of the scribe.