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Page:Beowulf (Wyatt).djvu/124

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Þā se wyrm onwoc,  wrōht wæs genīwad;
stonc ðā æfter stāne,  stearc-heort onfand
fēondes fōt-lāst;  hē tō forð gestōp
2290dyrnan cræfte  dracan hēafde nēah.
Swā mæg unfǣge  ēaðe gedīgan
wēan ond wræc-sīð,  sē ðe Waldendes
hyldo gehealdeþ.  Hord-weard sōhte
georne æfter grunde,  wolde guman findan,
2295þone þe him on sweofote  sāre getēode;
hāt ond hrēoh-mōd  *hlǣw[1] oft ymbehwearfFol. 181a.
ealne ūtan-weardne;  ne ðǣr ǣnig mon
on þǣm[2] wēstenne.  Hwæðre hilde gefeh,
bea[du]-weorces;[3]  hwīlum on beorh æthwearf,
2300sinc-fæt sōhte;  hē þæt sōna onfand,
ðæt hæfde gumena sum  goldes gefandod,
hēah-gestrēona.  Hord-weard onbād
earfoðlīce,  oð ðæt ǣfen cwōm;
wæs ðā gebolgen  beorges hyrde,
2305wolde se lāða[4]  līge forgyldan
drinc-fæt dȳre.  Þā wæs dæg sceacen
wyrme on willan;  nō on wealle leng[5]
bīdan wolde,  ac mid bǣle fōr,
fȳre gefȳsed.  Wæs se fruma egeslīc
2310lēodum on lande,  swā hyt lungre wearð
on hyra sinc-gifan  sāre geendod.

  1. 2296. MS. ‘hlæwū’; Grundtvig ‘hlǣw nū’ (so Wülcker and Heyne).
  2. 2298. B ‘þære’; A a blank; Grein ‘hǣðe,’ for the alliteration; “now nothing but the lower part of the perpendicular stroke of þ left” (Z.). Heyne ‘[wæs] on þǣre wēstenne.’ Grein inserts wæs after ne in the previous line.
  3. 2299. MS. defective at edge.
  4. 2305. MS. ‘fela ða’; Bugge ‘se lāða.’
  5. 2307. MS. ‘læg’; Thorpe ‘leng.’