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Page:Beowulf (Wyatt).djvu/125

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Ðā se gæst ongan  glēdum spīwan,
beorht hofu bærnan;  bryne-lēoma stōd
eldum on andan;  nō ðǣr āht cwices
2315lāð lyft-floga  lǣfan *wolde.Fol. 181b.
Wæs þæs wyrmes wīg  wīde gesȳne,
nearo-fāges nīð  nēan ond feorran,
hū se gūð-sceaða  Gēata lēode
hatode ond hȳnde.  Hord eft gescēat,
2320dryht-sele dyrnne,  ǣr dæges hwīle;
hæfde land-wara  līge befangen,
bǣle ond bronde;  beorges getrūwode,
wīges ond wealles;  him sēo wēn gelēah.
Þā wæs Bīowulfe  brōga gecȳðed
2325snūde tō sōðe,  þæt his sylfes hām,[1]
bolda sēlest,  bryne-wyhnum mealt,
gif-stōl Gēata.  Þæt ðām gōdan wæs
hrēow on hreðre,  hyge-sorga mǣst;
wēnde se wīsa,  þæt hē Wealdende
2330ofer ealde riht,  ēcean Dryhtne,
bitre gebulge;  brēost innan wēoll
þēostrum geþoncum,  swā him geþȳwe ne wæs.
Hæfde līg-draca  lēoda fæsten,
ēa-lond ūtan,  eorð-weard ðone,
2335glēdum forgrunden;  him ðæs gūð-kyning,
Wedera þīoden,  wræce leornode.
Heht him þā gewyrcean  wīgendra hlēo
eall-īrenne,  eorla dryhten,

wīg-bord wrætlīc;  *wisse hē gearwe, Fol. 182a.
  1. 2325. MS. ‘him’ (so Wülcker); Conybeare ‘hām.’