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Page:Beowulf (Wyatt).djvu/130

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Swā bið gēomorlīc  gomelum ceorle
2445tō gebīdanne,  þæt his byre rīde
giong on galgan;  þonne hē gyd wrece,
sārigne sang,  þonne his sunu hangað
hrefne tō hrōðre,  ond hē him helpan[1] ne mæg,
eald ond in-frōd,  ǣnige gefremman.
2450Symble bið gemyndgad  morna gehwylce
*eaforan ellor-sīð;  ōðres ne gȳmeðFol. 184b.
tō gebīdanne  burgum in innan
yrfe-weardas,[2]  þonne se ān hafað
þurh dēaðes nȳd  dǣda gefondad.
2455Gesyhð sorh-cearig  on his suna būre
wīn-sele wēstne,  wind-gereste,
rēote berofene;  rīdend swefað,
hæleð in hoðman;  nis þǣr hearpan swēg,
gomen in geardum,  swylce ðǣr īu wǣron.


2460Gewīteð þonne on sealman,  sorh-lēoð gæleð
ān æfter ānum;  þūhte him eall tō rūm,
wongas ond wīc-stede.  Swā Wedra helm
æfter Herebealde  heortan sorge
weallinde wæg;  wihte ne meahte
2465on ðām feorh-bonan  fǣghðe gebētan;
nē ðȳ ǣr hē þone heaðorinc  hatian ne meahte
lāðum dǣdum,  þēah him lēof ne wæs.
Hē ðā mid þǣre sorhge,  þe him sīo sār belamp,
gum-drēam ofgeaf,  Godes lēoht gecēas;

  1. 2448. Kemble ‘helpe.’ There is no other certain instance of the weak form than this. Possibly the scribe was thinking of the infinitive.
  2. 2453. For gen. sing, in -as see Sievers § 237, N. 1. Cf. ll. 63, 2921.