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Page:Beowulf (Wyatt).djvu/131

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2470eaferum lǣfde,  swā dēð ēadig mon,
lond ond lēod-byrig,  þā hē of līfe gewāt.
Þā *wæs synn ond sacu  Swēona ond Gēata,Fol. 185a.
ofer [w]īd[1] wæter  wrōht gemǣne,
here-nīð hearda,  syððan Hr¯wðel swealt;
2475oððe him Ongenðēowes  eaferan Wǣran
frome, fyrd-hwate,  frēode ne woldon
ofer heafo healdan,  ac ymb Hreosnabeorh
eatolne inwit-scear  oft gefremedon.[2]
Þæt mǣg-wine  mīne gewrǣcan,
2480fǣhðe ond fyrene,  swā hyt gefrǣge wæs,
þēah ðe ōðer his  ealdre gebohte,
heardan cēape;  Hǣðcynne wearð,
Gēata dryhtne,  gūð onsǣge.
Þā ic on morgne gefrægn  mǣg ōðerne
2485billes ecgum  on bonan stǣlan,
þǣr Ongenþēow  Eofores nīosað;[3]
gūð-helm tōglād,  gomela Scylfing
hrēas [heoro-]blāc;[4]  hond gemunde
fǣhðo genōge,  feorh-sweng ne oftēah.
2490Ic him þā māðmas,  þe hē mē sealde,
geald æt gūðe,  swa mē gifeðe wæs,
lēohtan sweorde;  hē mē lond forgeaf,
eard, ēðel-wyn.  Næs him ǣnig þearf,
þæt hē tō Gifðum,  oððe tō Gār-Denum,
2495oððe in Swīo-rīce,  sēcean þurfe
*wyrsan wīg-frecan,  weorðe gecȳpan;Fol. 185b.
symle ic him on fēðan  beforan wolde,

  1. 2473. MS. defective at corner.
  2. 2478. MS. ‘ge ge fremedon.’ Cf. ll. 986 (see note), 2383.
  3. 2486. Grein ‘niosade’; but cf. ll. 1923, 1928, etc.
  4. 2488. No gap in MS. Grein’s emendation.