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able and Kalender , eXprefsing the order of Plalmes and Leffons to be laid at Morning and Euening prayer

throughout the yeere, except certaine proper teal‘ts , as the rules following more plainely declare.

(17.76 order bow t/ae Tfiz/ter is appointed to be read.

He Pfalteifhall bee read through once euery Moneth. And be- caufe that form Moneths be longer then fome other be,it is though good to make them euen by this meanes.

' ,. To euery moneth fhal be appointed (as concerning this pur‘pofe) , I iufl: thirtie dayes.

And becaufe Ianuary and March haue one day aboue the {ayd

number,and February, which is placed betweene them both , hatl'. onely xxviij.dayes : February {hall borrowe or either of the Moneths (of Ianuary and March ) one day : and {o the Pl'altet which {hall bee t the lalt day otlanuary,and end the firfi day oi-March.

And whereas May,Iuly, Augufl, October, and December haue xxxj. dayes apiece : It is ordered that the Plalmes {hal be read the hill day of the {aid Moneths,which were read the day before,fo that the Pfalrer may begin againe the firfi day of the next moneth enluing.


read inFe ruary,mult begin 21

Now to know what Pfalmes {hall be read euery day : Looke in the Kalender the number that is appointed for the Pfalmes,and then find the fame number in this Table , and vpon that number you

(hall fee what Pfalines {hall be {ayd at Morning and Euening prayer.

And where the Cxix.P{alme is diuided into xxij. portions, and is ouerlong to he read at one time : it is {o ordered,that at one time {hall not be read aboue foureor fiue of the find portions , as you fhall

perceiuc to be noted in this Table following.

And here is alfo to bee noted , that in this Table , and in all other parts of the Seruice where any Pfalms are appointed,the numberis eXprefied alter the great Englilh Bible,which from the ix.P{alme vnto the vaiiil’falme, (following the diuifion of the Hebrewes) doeth varie in numbers from the common Latino Tranflation.


k The order 170 w the ref? (feel) Scripture (beyide the Tflzlter)

is appointed to bee read.

- He old'Teltainent is appointed for the Full Leflons at Morning and Euening prayer, and lhalberead through euery yeere once , except certaine Bookes and Chapters: 1'“ fr: I which be leaPt edifying,and might belt be {pared,and therfore are left vnread.

The New Tefiamentis appointed for the {econd LeiTons at Morning and Eue.

' nine prayer,and {hall be read ouer orderly euery yeere thrife,befides the Epiflles and

Gofpels: except thEApocalypfcputofthe which there be onely certaine Leilons appointed vpon

diuers proper Feafies.

And to know what Lefibns {hall be read euery day,finde the day of the Moneth in the Kalender; going before and there ye {hall perceiue the Bookes and Chapters that [ball be read for the LCKODS both at Morning and Euening prayer.

And here is to be noted,that whenfoeuer there be any proper Pfalmes or LefTons appointed for the Sundayes,or {or any Feaft , moueable or vnmoueable : then the Pfalmes and Leflons appointed in the Kalenderdhall be omitted for that time.

Ye muft note alfo,that the Colle&,Epifile,and Gofpel , appointed for the Sunday , {hall fierue all the weeke after,except there fall {ome Feal‘t that hath his proper. . D a _ _ When