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fl begin at the beg


When the yeeres ofour Lord may

as Proper Lello Leffons,b0th at Morning and Euening prayer, on

inning of the Chapter.

be diuided into toure cuen Parts, which is euery fourth ycerc : then the Sunday letter leapeth,and that yeere the Pfalmes and Leflbns which {erue for the xxiij. day of February, [hall be read again: the day following, except it be Sunday,which hath proper LelTons of the old Tefiament,appointed in the Table {etuing to that purpofe.

l Alfo,wherefoeuer the beginning of any Leflbn, Epifile, or Gofpel is not exprefied , there yec muf’t

And wherefoeuer is not exprefled how farre {hall be read, there (ball you reade to the ende of the

Irem,{o oft aa the firfi Chapter of Saint Matthew is read either for Leflon or Gofpel, ye {hall begin the fame xenon) the birth offllefus €D2m was on this mi[2,fl.)Aiid the third Chapter


us to bee read

the Sundayes throughout the yeere, and for fome

ofs.LukesGorpeI,fhalbcreadvmoasetngasmasfuppofen,tnefonmoffilofcpbm. '

for the firft

41/0 t/aeficona’ Lcyfim. SVnday es of {[Mattens. qr Eucnfong. -‘ Martens. 1T Eucnfong- Aslucnt. l Whitfunday. l Thefirl’t. (afar. waif." jiLefl'on. mum. mrfznomd.

9., 1) ppm} 1).Lellon. tarts 13. 3‘3 ?3

iii: my mm; 351)“! 19cm: fogtunen P v m). m: )5an openeb his white anal: Sunglgyfis after moutbm. {£0 was at

r1.mas. D in! , C. l Thenhrfl. ‘ TrinitieSun- (vntzo) ants]:

1. t1; pm; a .day- there things.

Sundayes after I J-chrom QEBHJDI'“. gomua. (.

l the Ipi hany. ill—CECIL 933mm“. The rt}. flfiij flbf Sundayes after

FTrtinitie. a) . '

'11-. ,. 1,, {51° 0 ~75. 0 ~ i“


v. Ins, 1mg {9; takinth (JRtnth‘i. Septuagefima. (1352114. (588.1]. "1}. x“ 13m Sexagefima. I it) , D]: V: I” 72bit

Qtfiinquage— l V}:

ma. VI]. 1:1: mm r Lent. o “II. . runaway. idfiertxf, «Emmi. ix. tbtiig p u 3:” mt

f); #th 13mm X; I P“ l 1313“

in: l xxttp flit X): liil'.?3ing.b» “((513man m). 17ml ” I'm Xi}; I: that v._ crown. mum. xiii; tit l mat ‘ W I): in xml- 33mm”. yetemmt. liafier (la y. I ’ I ' XV: g kLefl'on. mommy. (Eton. mu. xv). @552!de desaltmt't‘. I).chTou. 330113.111} mutt. xv1j- Wt xbiil' Sundayes after XVlll- n: W!“ Eager. xix. Shanda: EDanielJai.

11: mm m xx» 211W!" ii. 15mmth

{3}, Emma. Ewan. xxrj taznuerbdt'. 1930mm“.

111}. hi bit XXle n1

v. but it xxiiii n’it' xiii Sundayafter xxv. In I“ Afccnfion day: 9mm. Etntflfl. XXV} xvii m:

(I Leflhns

l W