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11 Woe unto them, which have gone in the way of Cain: and with the error of Balaam, have for a reward poured out themselves, and have perished in the contradiction of Core. 12 These are in their bankets, spots, feasting together without feare, feeding themselves, clouds without water which are carried about of winds, trees of autumne, unfruitful, twise dead, plucked up by the roots, 13 raging waves of the sea, foming out their owne confusions, wandering starres: to whom the storme of darknesse is reserved for ever. 14 And of these prophecied Enoch, the seventh from Adam, saying: Behold our Lord is come in his holy thousands, 15 to doe judgment against al, and to reprove al the impious, of al the workes of their impietie whereby they have done impiously, and of al the hard things which impious sinners have spoken against him. 16 These are murmurers, ful of complaints, walking according to their owne desires, and their mouth speaketh pride, admiring persons for gaine sake.

17 But you, my Dearest, be mindful of the words which have been spoken before by the Apostles of our Lord JESUS Christ, 18 who told you, that in the last time shal come mockers, according to their owne desires walking in impieties. 19 These are they which segregate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit. 20 But you, my Dearest, building your selves upon our most holy faith, in the Holy Ghost, praying, 21 keep your selves in the love of God, expecting the mercie of our Lord JESUS Christ unto life everlasting. ✠ 22 And these certes reprove being judged: 23 but them save, pulling out of the fire. And on other have mercie in fear: hating also that which is carnal, the spotted cote.

24 And to him that is able to preserve you without sinne, and to set you immaculate before the sight of his glorie in exultation in the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, 25 to the only God our Saviour by Jesus Christ our Lord be glorie and magnificence, empire and power before al worlds, and now and for al worlds evermore. Amen.


9. For the body of Moses. ) When, why, or how this altercation or combat was between S. Michael and the Devil about Moyses body, no man can declare. Only this we see that many truthes and stories were kept in the mouthes and harts of the faithful, that were not written in Scriptures canonical, as this was among the Jews.

10. They blaspheme. ) He speaketh of Heretikes, who being ignorant in God's mysteries and the divine doctrine of his Church, when they cannot reprove the things, then they fall to execrations, irrisions, and blasphemies against the Priests, Church, and Sacraments, and whatsoever is godly.

11. Cain, Balaam, Core. ) The Apostle would have Heretikes specially to be knowen, by the resemblance they have, first to Cain, in that for envy that his brothers service and Sacrifice was accepted and his rejected, slew his said brother, and was a fugitive from the face and citie of God, which is the Church. Secondly, by their resemblance to Balaam, who for money was induced to curse God's people, as covetousness is commonly the cause that first maketh Heretixes & false Prophets. Wherenpo S. Aug. saith, He is an Heretike