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that for temporal commodities sake either coineth or followeth new opinions. S.Aug.lib.de.ueil.cred.cap.1. And lastly, by the resemblance they have with the ancient and notorious Schismatic Core, and his companions, who forsook the ordinarie Priesthood appointed by God, and would needs doe sacrifice themselves without Lawful calling.

Such indeed be al Heretikes, and such be al their sacraments, service, and offices in their Church, as Cores were in his schismatical tabernacles. And as pride was the cause of his revolting from the obedience of Moses and Aaron his Priests and true Governours; so is intolerable pride the cause of al Heretics forsaking their lawful Pastours and Rulers, and namely, of forsaking Christes owne Vicar in earth, our true Aaron, as S. Bernard calleth him. De contid.lib.2.c.8. To al such forsakers the Apostle here giveth the curse and Væ due to the said three, Cain, Baalam, and Core, and telleth them that the storme of darkenes and eternal damnation is provided for them: most lively describing all Heretikes, as in some we to our woe have experience by their maners in our daies, in all this passage even to the end of the Epistles

19. These are they which segregate themselves. ) The conditions of Heretikes in the latter daies, that is, ever since Christ's time, not of these only of our Age. For there were many that forsooke Gods Church and segregated themselves from the fellowship of the faithful even in the primitive Church: that we may the lesse marvel at these men segregating themselves, and going out from the rest, into several Sects, which S. Augustin therfore calleth Segregations.