union, they have therefore propagated, and perfected a progeny like themselves, wholly inferior to all the other people of the human race, who were never the authors of any thing great on the earth, no not even as imitators of others, except now and then an individual.
With this view, we see how it has happened that when an Egyptian mummy is found, who represents the leading class of those ages in that country, they have almost always straight hair, which circumstance has puzzled physiologists and the antiquary not a little. This fact, however, changes not their character as to their origin, for they are truly the descendants of Ham, as are the other sort of negroes, but simply accounts for acts done by the race, which seem above themselves, if they were nothing more nor better, intellectually, than the woolly heads are at the present day. Neither does it change their condition, in relation to the purposes of the Divine providence respecting them, as they are referred to by direct prophesy, in a very particular manner, as we shall soon be compelled to show.
Thus we have made a few remarks on the subject of the wives of Ham and Japheth, because we have often heard the inquiry made, who did Ham marry for a wife, if he was the first and only black person on the earth when he took him a wife, and brought her through the flood in the ark?
Thus we have passed through, in a brief manner, several interesting topics. But we are now compelled to approach another subject, which, to many minds at the present day, is a stumbling block of no small