Page:Bible Defence of Slavery.djvu/95

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produced the woolly headed and the straight haired negro, such as were some of the Egyptians, the Ethiopians, the Lybians and the Canaanites, with the Carthagenians, and many of the Africans at the present time, but all pure negroes.

From this fact, there can scarcely be a doubt, that the early nations took advantage of this trait of nature's operations, by mixing the blood of such males and females, as had not the woolly head, together, on account of their being far more comely to look upon, avoiding wholly, or generally, the negroes of the other description, which was perfectly natural, and even commendable.

In this way there was produced, and ever has been, two races of black or negro men. The straight haired negro has ever been found to be more intellectual, enterprizing and comely to look upon than the other race, who, from earliest time, have been made slaves of. The woolly heads have always, as a people, been less inclined to improvement, either physically or mentally. By this means, it is seen that the two races had early a mighty barrier placed between them, so that when a woolly head married with a straight haired black person, it was held as great a disgrace for the straight haired one, as it is now, when the whites amalgamate with the blacks.

This race of negroes are found to have heads shaped more after the Caucasian, or European model, which was derived from the blood of Ham's antediluvian wife while the other race of negroes, having from affinity of looks, feelings, propensities, and moral abilities, clave to each other in marriage, or sexual