42 CASTAGNO— CASTRO. Leg^aia, frescoes: in the Academy, St Jerome in the Desert, Mary Magda- lene, John the Baptist, and another pic- ture. In the Berlin Museum are two tempera pictures, attributed to Castagno, a St Jerome, and a Pieta. ( Vasari,) CASTELLO, BEBNARDO,&.atAlbaro, . near Genoa, 1557, d. 1629. Genoese School. A pupil of Andrea Semini and of Lucca Cambiaso. He painted in a rapid and superficial manner, and gained a great reputation at Genoa, where his works in fresco and in oil abound. He was the' friend of Marino end Tasso, and made many designs for the " Jerusalem Delivered " of the latter, published in 1590, some of which were engraved by Agostino Carracci. His youngest son Valerio Cas- TELLO, who died in 1659 in his 34th year, was also a distinguished fresco- painter. There are several excellent works by him in the churches of Genoa ; and a Hape of the Sabines in the Palazzo Brignole, by some accounted his master-piece ; it is somewhat in the style of Paul Veronese. Valerio painted also battle-pieces, aud other small easel pictures. {Soprani.) CASTELLO, Castellino, 6. 1580, d. 1649. Genoese School. A pupil of Gio Battista Paggi. He executed many works, and was an excellent portrait- painter. (Soprani.) CASTELLO, GiACOMO da, a Vene- tian painter of birds and animals, who lived about 1600. His pictures of birds in some private collections of Venice are excellent. {Lanzi.) CASTELLO, Giovanni Battista, called II Bergamasco, b. at Bergamo, about 1500, d. at Madrid, 1569. Ge- noese School. A pupil of Aurelio Busso. He studied also in Home, where he became likewise an architect. He painted, in conjunction with Luca Cambiaso,the last Judgment on the walls of the Nunziata di Portoria at Genoa. He executed other good works at Genoa, especially a large firesco in the Palazzo Grille, representing Dido*R entertain- ment of iEneas. In 1567 he was invited to Spain by Philip 11., and appointed architect of the royal Palaces : he was also engaged on several works in fresco, which were interrupted by his death. His sons, Fabriccio and Granello, as- sisted him, and carried on his worls in Spain. There was another Giovanni Battista Castello of Genoa, who was a celebrated illuminator, and who was employed by Philip in Spain. He died at Genoa, in 1637, aged 90. (So- profit, Cean Bemutdez.) CASTELI.UCCI, Salvi, h. at Arezzo, in 1608, d. 1672. Was a clever fresco- painter of the school of Pietro da Cor- tona ; he executed many showy works at Arezzo, and painted some good easel pictures in oil, which are richly coloured. ( Lanzi. ) CASTIGLIONE, Gio. Bensdetto, called II Grechetto, b. at Genoa, 1616, d. at Mantua, 1670. Genoese School. Studied under Paggi and Gio. Andrea de* Ferrari : he painted history, portraits, landscapes, and animals. He excelled more especially in pastoral landscape and animals, in which class of works he acquired a great reputation : he has not yet had his superior in Italy. In the churches of Genoa are many of his works : in San Luca, the Madonna di Castello, and others ; and in the Palazzo Brignole. Paris, in the Louvre, are eight characteristic pictures by Castiglione. He is also distinguished for many admirable etchings, remaric- able for their effective light and shade. Salvatore the brother, and Francesco the son, of Gio. Benedetto, painted landscapes and animal^ in a similar style. ( Soprani. ) CASTRO, GiACOMO di, h. in the Piano di Sorrento, 1597, d, 1687. Neapolitan School. Studied under Gio. Battista Caracciolo, and afterwards under Domenichino: he painted at
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