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IV Index Feely, A. See Arnold, C. M. Honsinger, Lelia E., and Hepburn, Mrs. Fisher, A. K., and YV. K., Christmas C. E., Christmas Bird Census, T5. Bird Census, 24. Honywill, A. W., Martins and English Fisher, Walter K., Tame Wild Geese, Sparrows, 137. 193. Honywill, A. W., and Pangburn, C. H., Ford, R W., Holmes, F. W., Smith, E. Christmas, Bird Census, 17. E., and Bruen, Frank, Christmas Bird Hough, E. C, A Robin-Oriole Nest, 103. Census, 17. Howe, Florence A., Secretary, report of, Fordyce, Geo. L., and Wood, Rev. S. F., 78. Christmas Bird Census, 22. Hubbard, Geo. F. See dishing, Milton L. Fowler, Harold M., Christmas Bird Cen- Hubbard, G. F., and Whitney, A. G., sus, 17. Christmas Bird Census, 15. Hunt, Chreswell J. See Griffiths, B. W. Gates, Frank, and Pepoon, Dr. H. S., Hunter, Samuel, Christmas Bird Census, Christmas Bird Census, 24. 14. Gill, John B., Christmas Bird Census, 25. Higgins, Miss Joy M., Secretary, report Gillette, Eugenia C, A Bit of Robin of, 263. History, 126. Glover, Mrs. W. B., Secretary, report of, Jacobs, Matilda, Christmas Bird Census, 78, 25r. 18. Grant, Mrs. Anna M., Secretary, report Jackson, Nelson A., Bird-life Along Sucker of, 272. Brook, 104. Griffin, Miss Delia I., Secretary, report of, Jackson, Thomas, Sharpies, Robert, and Ehinger, E. E., Christmas Bird Census, 25. Jackson, W. M., Christmas Bird Census, 22. Job, Herbert K., Some Bird Notes from the Magdalens, 43. Johnson, H. R., Nichols, E. G., and Nichols, L. N., Christmas Bird Census, 18. Kimball, Miss Jessie F., Secretary, report of, 260. Knowles, Wilhelmina C, Christmas Bird Census, 17. Kopman, H. H., and Wraight, Mrs. Percival, Christmas Bird Census, 21. LaPrade, W. H., Christmas Bird Census, 21 . Larkin, Harry H., Christmas Bird Census, 14. Latham, Frank, Harry and Roy, Christ- mas Bird Census, 19. Laurent, Philip, Bird Notes from a Florida Porch, 67. Lawson, Carl C, Christmas Bird Census, 2 +- . . LeFevre, Philip F. and Louis DuBois, Christmas Bird Census, 25. Legge, Louis E., Christmas Bird Census, H- . . Leonard, Mortimer D., and Dunham, Louis, Christmas Bird Census, 18. Lewis, Evan, The Dipper in Colorado, 10. Lockwood, Miss Emma H., Secretary, re- port of, 265. Hodgman, Edith M., and Bliss, Lucy B., Lyman, Emily R., My Experience with a Christmas Bird Census, 16. Blue-headed Vireo, T23. Holmes, F. W. See Ford, R. W. Holtz, Frederick L., The Rose-breasted Macmillan, Robert B., A Nest Within a Grosbeak, 161. Human Skull, 211. 263. Goodale, Dora Read, Poem by, 87. Goodrich, Juliet T., Christmas Bird Cen- sus, 23 . Graves, Edward W., Christmas Bird Cen- sus, 25. Graves, Frances M., Christmas Bird Cen- sus, 16. Gregory, S. S., A Loon Portrait, 160. Griffiths, B. W. and Hunt, Chreswell J., Christmas Bird Census, 20. Gross, Alfred O. See Smith, Frank. Hagar, Arthur F., Christmas Bird Census, 20. Haines, Geo. C, Christmas Bird Census, 23- Hales, Henry, Swallow Notes from North- ern New Jersey, 173. Harper, Francis, Christmas Bird Census, Hegner, Robert W. , Photographing a Blue- bird's Nest, by Reflected Light, 92; The Home-life of the Red-tailed Hawk, 151. Heil, Charles E., Christmas Bird Census, •IS- Hepburn, Mrs. C. E. See Honsinger, Lelia E. Herrick, Francis H , Italian Bird-life as it Impresses an American Today, 196. Hill, J. Irving, Christmas Bird Census, 16. Hilles, Mrs. William S., Secretary, report of, 253. Hix, George E., Christmas Bird Census, 18; and Rogers, Charles H., Christmas Bird Census, 18.